vendredi 23 mai 2014

Html background color

Specify a background color for an HTML document: html. The bgcolor attribute specifies the background color of a document. Découvrez comment ajouter une couleur d'arrière-plan HTML en utilisant des codes Hex de couleurs, les noms de couleurs.

To set the background color of a webpage in HTML, you'll just need to make a quick change to the body element inside . As you see, the background color (#FF0000) is entered as a hexadecimal value. You can click here to learn about the hexadecimal system used on HTML pages . Great tools HTML color chart and HTML color picker will make this simple as a.

With HTML color codes you can set the color of web site backgroun color of . A detailed guide with examples of how to use bgcolor and color values with HTML. The bgcolor attribute is used to set the background color of an HTML . This page contains HTML background color code. Using this code, you can add a background color to any HTML element. There are several ways to add background color to your web site.

You can add some HTML in the body tag such as: body bgcolor=#0000This provides . This is a chart of color names on a black background. ALICEBLUE (#F0F8FF)GOLD§ (#FFD800)NAVY (#000080).

Aller à Background Color - The background property accepts colors and images in shorthand form, while the background-color property is used strictly . Aller à background-color - La propriété background-color décrit la couleur. Aller à Color and Background Resources - Similar to ColorMaker, this site allows you to preview different color and background choices on . Using the HTML bgcolor attribute with a 3-digit hexadecimal color . This is a tutorial showing you how to add a background color to your website. Illustrons cette notation sur une structure HTML, l'objectif étant d'appliquer une transparence de . It sounds like you want to use a transparent backgroun in which case you could try.

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